Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm horrible.
I haven't blogged in ever.

I finally got my room unpacked 99%!!!
Just a box of books left. Ugh.
Most decorations are up,
and the scrapbooking desk is clean!!

I'm making Valentine's Day cards for my girlfriends.
I've dated, and had boyfriends, but NEVER on Valentine's.
Apparently I'm not Cupid's favorite buddy. Okay whatever.

I will post the cards as soon as I finish them.
I work two shifts tommarow, so Saturday? Hopefully.

I'm currently addicited to:
1. Taco Bell
2. White Chedder Chesse Nips
3. I Wanna Know-Joe (song)
4. watching FRIENDS
5. Working

Random, but I noticed I've been repeating a lot of stuff lately.
I hope all is well with you. Pop in to say hey, I'd love it!


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